„Jazz Foundations“ Vol. 54 - McKinney's Cotton Pickers
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„Crying and Sighing“
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A Passion for Jazz Vol. 55
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The Master of Jazz: 33 Best of The Mills Brothers & McKinney's Cotton Pickers
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Best Of A Passion For Jazz Vol. 1
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The Master of Jazz: 33 Best of Jazz Generation Vol. 1
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Best of Jazz Foundations Vol. 1
WLF 201313
Stars of Early Jazz
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Heroes Of Hot Jazz
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Hottest Of Hot Jazz
WLF 201410
New York In The 20ties
GRL 1189
Modern Art of Music: The Golden 20ties in New York
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Music & Highlights: The Golden 20ties in New York
MH 1122
The Golden 20ties in New York
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New York In The 20ties
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