88 Holiday Classical Christmas:A Choral Festival. Celebratory Music for Holidays
XMAS 071
Come, Let Us Worship
BEAUX 2020
Songs of Love and Harmony
GOV 3007
Puisque Tout Passe (Since All Is Passing)
GOV 3008
Ancient Psalms of the Orthodox Church
GOV 3009
Architectonic of Maas
GOV 3013
Let the Beautiful Sun Rise
GOV 3014
Dmitry V. Smirnov
GOV 3016
We Glorify You with Love
GOV 3017
Mikhail Ippolitov-Ivanov: Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, Op.37; Vespers, Op.43
GOV 3019
Rachmaninoff: Liturgy Of St. John Chrysostom, Op.31
GOV 3020
Dmitry Bortniansky: Sacred Music - Selected Works
CCAV 1015
Peace In The Valley
UM 2228
Russia Liturgical Chants
SMK 57661
Mikhail Ippolitov-Ivanov: Vespers - Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom
SMK 64091
Rachmaninoff: Liturgy of St. John Crysostom - Concerto for Choir
SMK 64092
Greetings from St. Petersburg
SC 2630
Modern Art of Music: Russia Liturgical Chants
MAM 1110
Modern Art of Music: Ancient Psalms of the Orthodox Church
MAM 1125
Music & Highlights: Russia Liturgical Chants
MH 1110
Music & Highlights: Ancient Psalms of the Orthodox Church
MH 1125
Ancient Psalms of the Orthodox Church
ATF 1081
Chansons Françaises
TMC 093
Architectonic of Maas
TMC 119
Missa de Notre Dame
BML 1043